Aczet’s Double Ended Shear Beam Load Cell is a uniquely designed load cell. It is an alloy steel IP67 dual shear load cell. Double shear beam load cells are used to measure compressive forces. 

This load cell is similar in functionality to the shear beam load cell, but is designed for higher loads. As a result, double shear beam load cells are quite insensitive to lateral loads. Double shear beam load cells are mainly found in scales for high load ranges in the range of several tons. Double shear beam load cells are used in silo scales, container scales, vehicle scales or weighing frames. In addition, double shear beam load cells are also suitable for force measurement in the testing machine industry


  • It provides high accuracy.
  • Suitable for truck, Tank and Hopper weighing, Weighbridge, Tensile testing
  • This load cell has cable 4 wires along with shield wire.
  • It has standard cable length of 10m or 15m.
  • The maximum number of load cell intervals is 3000.

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